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Welcome to Animo!

A place for animals that have no voice!

About Animo

We aim to sterilize as many strays as we can in Mauritius to keep the population under control, with your help we can finally achieve this!

-Susan Ollerhead

Animo Vet Clinic is a fully registered nonprofit organization dedicated to saving dogs and cats from shelters and high-risk situations in Mauritius. Many of the animals who come into our clinic are over-bred, ill, injured, neglected, or abused. Sadly, without rescue, many of these precious animals would be euthanized or end up in even worse circumstances than before. It’s their right to get a helping hand, and it’s our privilege to offer one.

Make a Donation

You Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference

Ways YOU can make a difference at Animo...


Find your perfect pet!


Foster a pet for a short time!


Become a volunteer & gain experience


We need all the help we can get!

We need your help!

“In the end, everything will be ok. If it is not ok, it’s not the end”

*Because PAYPAL does not accept Mauritian Rupees, all donations through PAYPAL to our account will be done through standard $USD and converted to our local currency. Thank you! By donating to Animo you agree to our Terms & Conditions

Other ways to donate to our cause!

Donate using MCB (Mauritius Commercial Bank)

Bank Transfer or Juice

Account name : ANIMO
Reg no: A20000126
Acc no: 000447838520
Swift Code: MCBLMUMU

Donate old items from home

Practical Items to donate...

Sometimes we are just so busy and in need of practical things we normally discard at home. Since we took over from PAWS, we find ourselves really struggling to make ends meet looking after over 80 animals on average. Come and visit us and see for yourselves how YOU can make a difference!

  • Old Towels/Bedding
  • food
  • toys
  • cleaning products/detergent
  • plastic bags
  • shade-cloth
  • paint & paint brushes
  • curtains
  • cushions
  • carpets

How you have helped!

After Care

Sterilize your Pets at Animo Clinic!

After a sterilization, it is very important to look after the animal while it wakes up. We offer an after-care service to reduce the stress of recovery after surgery. When a pet wakes up from surgery it is a very scary and difficult time. They are usually desperate to find their owners or a familiar face or smell. We will be there for them when they wake up and let you know to come and fetch your pet.

Contact Us
Two puppies are better than one puppy!

Why only settle for ONE when adopting?

We sometimes get puppies and adult dogs dumped outside our clinic that just can't be separated from one another. When considering adoption, why not think about adopting the siblings together!


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